Welcome to pdmotion

2011, Since my domain "www.pdmotion.com" has been expired,
I try to transfer all the images of works what I had done a long ago. I may be able to make here more vitalize.


Thursday, December 20, 2007

Process - IV : Final rendering through computer

the final rendering.
Rhino 3D is used to build up the model then render in 3D Max / Vray.

Process - III : Final Sketch and simple rendering.

Final sketches and a specific rendering.
this second stage shows detail measurements and material.

Process - II : Detailed sketch.

Try to vary the design of paper tray.
presenting the environmental features and useavility.
Bigger size sketches, present specific mechanism, more detailed and
closer to rendering.

Process - I : Sketch for desk accessaries

The first step sketches that show various styles and ideas.
colour pencils and markers are used to present

stackable paper bed or paper tray.

dish for small stuff on the desk.

name card holder.

Pin holder or could say pin dish.

Pencil holder.

building up desk model.

Designing a studio desk for ID students and making the model with using white foam board.
It was a group project and performed in class under given time.
It was a fun and I loved it.
everyone made good job.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Form and Colour - Carving an Object

I still have no idea what was going, what I got in the class.
Unfortunately, I passed the class with getting grade C+.
I have thought that the two,Form and Color are the most important elements for design, design works and fundamental design etc...
I was pretty fucked up in the class.

Thanks man. 


holes to hold pegs

*pegs are in the holes

*cross section to show variation of wall thickness

* showing variation of wall thickness

* stairs for pegs

* Overall design with pegs and dice

* filling up the gap with woodfiller

* dry up the mold

Creating 3D form through the “Thermoforming” with using sheet plastic material, this project focuses on designing forms which are quite sophisticated. The factors such as “Draw ratio”, “Wall thickness” and “Draft” should be understandable for the project. As well all the factors are delivered by the manipulation of specific techniques for the manufacture of the mold.Particularly, a game borad which is called as “TROUBLE” is applied for this project.