Welcome to pdmotion

2011, Since my domain "www.pdmotion.com" has been expired,
I try to transfer all the images of works what I had done a long ago. I may be able to make here more vitalize.


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

my cellphone concept.

Personally, I prefer a bar type cellphone rather than foldable.  
thats why I really want to get a full touch screen phone in these days, this one is also a kind of bar type right?

anyhow I am done designing my concept to apply my new keypad concept, a simple 2d rendering.However I don't really like that much, may be fact that I didn't spend enough time for research and sketch. I just want to finish in quick.
I didn't make any full touch screen at this time because I don't think there is a fun to render.
I want to draw and render from every single element to overall profile.
take a look at it.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Design Competition

A design competition has been announced, I am pretty interested in this project.
Because it dose not have to be an electronic device, may be more simple, may be more difficult.
It is to design a tea kettle!!
I will work on it.

more information_

Monday, September 29, 2008

Laws of Simplicity

I need to get the book "Laws of Simplicity" written by Jhon Maeda, my one of favorite designers.
I saw him first time on a design magazine many years ago. He was looking as an ordinary man, his career was extraordinary. Now he is one of the most effective designers around the world partucularly in the field of graphic design. 
I think the best design is inspired by the simplest one. I wanna know his philosophy of design.

Samsung car

I dont think many people know that Samsung has manufactured their own car under their brand name. The company was founded in 1995, announced their first model SM5 in 1998. The first model was inspired by a Japanese car, therefore the car would be familiar. Unfortunately, the Samsung Car did not overcome the crisis of finances while the IMF in Korea, finally the company was taken over by French company Renault in 2000. Their name has been changed to Renault-Samsung Car since the big deal between two companies. Samsung still produces more various cars as SM3,5,7 and SUV QM5, the design and technology have very advanced as much as the company has grown up.  

Shown 2005 SM3

Shown 2008 SM3

Shown the fist model, SM5


2005 SM7


new SUV model QM5

**Reference : http://www.hyts.hu/index.php?s=mgal&marka=samsung

: http://www.renaultsamsungm.com/main/index.jsp

Friday, September 26, 2008

a new proposal for cellphone keypad.

*Conventional Pad.

Concept Pad.

I have thought about how people send a text message in quick through cell phones,
and I designed to rearrange keypad which is arranged in the alphabetical order.I placed all the vowels in one column at the last right, and re-coupled other consonant to minimized to press while messaging.

An example, when I need to text like" BYE", I have to press buttons 7 times on the conventional phone but I need to press buttons only 4 times on my concept. Another example, "we have a meeting at ten" is 34 : 29(including press button for space between words), this concept may enable people to save time for text messages. I know there is a sort of dictionary function on the usual phone, but people have to press buttons to look for appropriate words, it still takes longer time than my concept.

My concept phone meets..

my concept phone "Vkfone" met a same concept.
the phone was designed by Altitute Inc, the concept is for Kyocera.
take a look at that phone.
out look is pretty similar to my concept,
I also thought about using a sort of soft material for the out-cover like a leather.

** reference : http://dustbowl.wordpress.com/2007/08/09/kyocera-concept-phones-v2-altitude-inc/

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

stuff, I want to get..

the thing has been finally announced in official.
Canon 5D Mark II.
I have used 400d(Revel XTi) for a couple years, my dream is the 5D, I will go for it somehow.
personally I love the Canon's performance and design which is sleek shape with three dimensional curves. I think that the reason why I like this camera is mainly fact that my first loved one was Canon EOS5, and the first camera is linked with my old memory.
I love that stuff.

+Reference : http://www.engadget.com/tag/5d%20mark%20II
+Official site : http://www.usa.canon.com/consumer/controller?act=ModelInfoAct&fcategoryid=139&modelid=17662

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Power strip.

designing a concept of power strip.
I focused on how to save electricity and magnify its own functions.

original rendering-

Thursday, July 24, 2008

a concept for cell phone.

it is to submit a design award.
hoping a good result comes up.
the original rendering - ==

Monday, June 16, 2008

Material workout.

Glassy and watery materials. 

Super chromic surfaces.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Building a car..

Eventually, I have built up a car in Rhino 3D since I decided to work on it.
I wanted to try it long long time ago, not until did I begin to do it.
I now follow a tutorial, I will be able to build up my own design someday.
I will keep working on and make it successful.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

the final model for the metaphor project.

covering up clay by white primer.
there are three - four layers of latex and clay under the primer.
the big deal is obvious sanding to make the nice surface.

after final painting.

hoping that it looks like waves with a drop water.

Monday, March 24, 2008

P3 Metaphor Project.

designing a router, metaphor is waves.
try to design a wireless router to take over the image of waves.
it is inspired by a waterdrop.

ya... the most used metaphor - "shark" pretty sure million products are inspired by the shark. 

Stingray router?? try to make it sense.

Idea sketch for the Concepts.

"A unque Display or Organizer"

picture of the medel. 

reference for use place. 

a mysterious shot.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Project I in 2008

"A unque Display or Organizer"

Final Render and orthographic drawing.

Ctalog shot of made model. 

Idea Sketch for the concepts.