Welcome to pdmotion

2011, Since my domain "www.pdmotion.com" has been expired,
I try to transfer all the images of works what I had done a long ago. I may be able to make here more vitalize.


Friday, September 26, 2008

a new proposal for cellphone keypad.

*Conventional Pad.

Concept Pad.

I have thought about how people send a text message in quick through cell phones,
and I designed to rearrange keypad which is arranged in the alphabetical order.I placed all the vowels in one column at the last right, and re-coupled other consonant to minimized to press while messaging.

An example, when I need to text like" BYE", I have to press buttons 7 times on the conventional phone but I need to press buttons only 4 times on my concept. Another example, "we have a meeting at ten" is 34 : 29(including press button for space between words), this concept may enable people to save time for text messages. I know there is a sort of dictionary function on the usual phone, but people have to press buttons to look for appropriate words, it still takes longer time than my concept.

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