Welcome to pdmotion

2011, Since my domain "www.pdmotion.com" has been expired,
I try to transfer all the images of works what I had done a long ago. I may be able to make here more vitalize.


Friday, March 26, 2010


The second work,
ya, of course there are many works for other classes.

but, the projects for this class are pretty visible and noticeable so.

the second project is Cubism but bot really exactly the Cubism, I want to say such a modern cubism.

the Rationale.

The poster presents a scene of what the spy is on U-boat to infiltrates into Ottawa through the canal.

As the German spy story has left several hilarious episodes, I try to emphasize one of the hilarious stories how the spy landed in Ottawa with a lot of money; the scene is represented in a modern Cubism style.
To create a cubism style, I step into a couple of ways; using specific colors and simplifying objects in free perspective.

First, the tertiary colors; yellow, blue and purple are dominantly used to create the cubism mood, as well as the secondary colors are used to support the main colors. Finally the color combination is resulted in a modern cubism.

Second, the cubism does not really adhere to any precise perspective and realistic shapes; it means the cubism allows all the objects to be more distorted and to be more free and to be more subjective. The factors make the result more dynamic and live.

Therefore all the objects in the poster are simplified in free perspective as well as are created in unrestricted proportion to be more interesting.

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