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2011, Since my domain "www.pdmotion.com" has been expired,
I try to transfer all the images of works what I had done a long ago. I may be able to make here more vitalize.


Monday, September 29, 2008

Samsung car

I dont think many people know that Samsung has manufactured their own car under their brand name. The company was founded in 1995, announced their first model SM5 in 1998. The first model was inspired by a Japanese car, therefore the car would be familiar. Unfortunately, the Samsung Car did not overcome the crisis of finances while the IMF in Korea, finally the company was taken over by French company Renault in 2000. Their name has been changed to Renault-Samsung Car since the big deal between two companies. Samsung still produces more various cars as SM3,5,7 and SUV QM5, the design and technology have very advanced as much as the company has grown up.  

Shown 2005 SM3

Shown 2008 SM3

Shown the fist model, SM5


2005 SM7


new SUV model QM5

**Reference : http://www.hyts.hu/index.php?s=mgal&marka=samsung

: http://www.renaultsamsungm.com/main/index.jsp

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